
What would you do if you won the lottery?

I thought I had won the lottery. My ticket matched all numbers! I was beyond ecstatic. thought I would take the ticket down to my favorite checker. I could not wait to see his eyes when he seas, I am the winner ! So I go down to the store and have my favorite checker run my ticket. He runs it and pops up, and he sad, nope, not a winner, and rips my ticket in two. I said, “Wait a minute. All the numbers match. We found out that my ticket was last week numbers! numbers!

Why The Russian Military Sucks!

You can see by the video that, Russian Military is not up to the challenges of new modern war affair. To take on a serious War with the United States Of America. Photos in this are not to make fun of anyone just to make a point, my apologies to those that may be offended.